Your support helps us to care for our animals and provide programming to children and families who might not otherwise have access. All donations go directly toward supporting the animals and services we provide!
Another way to help is through donating stock. By donating stock to us, you can avoid capital gains tax on your appreciated stock while supporting our mission. If you’re interested, follow the link below to donate through our easy and secure stock donation processor.
What’s even better than a one-time donation? A sustaining monthly donation!
Here are just a few examples of the many many ways your sustaining monthly donation helps us to care for the animals and provide services to our families and in the community!
It turns out we feed a whole lot of carrots. Help keep the fridge stocked with orange goodness. The horses love them, and they’re a healthy option to keep everyone happy. Plus, the dogs like them too!
Keeping everyone happy and healthy is a main priority. Help provide a month’s worth of vitamins and supplements for the horses’ nightly dinner.
Here’s the truth of it all, horses eat a lot! Help us keep the hay barn full! Plus, it doubles as an excellent cat bed for Pip and Squeak.
Help us to provide programs and services to children and families in the community. Dixie, Goldie, and Ophelia love getting to explore new places to eat grass and meet friends!
Help us to provide equine assisted therapy for a child or family in need. Plus, we’ll feature you (or your business) on our website.
Go for it! Be the GOAT! Support all the animals and all the people and all the things! Plus we’ll feature you (or your business) on our website and at our community events.